Strategic commercial linkage to CULTURAL SOCIAL MEDIA.

We are talking about the opportunity to strengthen the commercial strategies of brands, when we associate them virtuously to networks with cultural foundations that have the possibility of reaching wider audiences.

Networks with a great potential to grow within society, thanks to their content based on the great values that provoke identity.

Networks of photographic and audiovisual impact that provide culture, as an oasis within the superficialities and banalities that dominate the publications within the network.

Creative contents capable of awakening interests involved with the search for roots and sense of belonging of the communities where they are presented.

Prototipe Brand: México Soy

Cultural Platform and Publishing Label

Location: México

On Facebook and Instagram since 2020 with more than 17 thousand followers.

Monthly reach or impacts averaging 50 thousand.

Visitas virtuales 360º

Joining Cultural Networks builds for the associated brands:

1- The identification of a brand that respects and admires its location within an extraordinary territory.

2- A brand committed to its society capable of promoting its culture (social empathy), with the power to become the figure of a promoter with leadership in regional culture:

– Reflection, recognition and promotion of identity values.

– Strengthening of society in its sense of rootedness and belonging.

– Exaltation and creative looks at its iconography as cultural treasures.

3- Platforms that -above all- open a direct dialogue with a wide community in a bidirectional way. A great source of information oriented to open new business opportunities.

We share some figures taking into account that so far our prototype project has grown organically within the network:

The best creative tools and resources for social networks:

– Professional photography

– Panoramic photography for 360º virtual tours

– Graphic design

– Typographic Design

– Specialized research

– Creation of professional texts

Come in for an interview and prepare a proposal tailored to your needs and investment capacity.